Miss J

January 2019

"Beautiful girl, you were born to do great things, so believe in yourself."

As women, we've been shown different images all of our lives of what the "ideal" is. It's changed over the years, and a lot of it has changed for the better, but no matter what is "in" right now, some of us may never fit that ideal. 

I'm super thankful that I've finally learned that whatever that ideal is, it doesn't have to be ideal FOR ME. It doesn't have to be the ideal for anyone. Being the person that you are - your size, your preference, your likes and dislikes, your religion, your EVERYTHING - that's what is most important. I've come to realize, and I've heard about this all my life but I finally believe it, that it doesn't matter what other people think of you. It matters most what YOU think of you. After all, you are the person that you need to live with for the rest of your life. So be the person you want to be. Right now. 

Whatever those great things you were born to do, even if they don't seem great to others, do them anyway. Be who you want to be. It's your journey. Own it.

Makeup by About Face of GR
Wardrobe by Naughty Bettie


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