Miss A

October 2018

Just because you fit someone else's ideal doesn't mean you are confident in yourself. It takes a few extra steps sometimes. Miss A shares her story, and it's another great one!

"I’ve always been someone who was incredibly self-conscious and have battled anxiety and depression for years. A few years ago, I started working out and found weight-lifting as an outlet and started to have more confidence. But even being fit, I still found myself envious of other women who walked proud and it was obvious they were confident in who they were. Or, at least who they portrayed themselves to be. I saw a friend post a few boudoir pics on Facebook and thought they were amazing. I figured it would be a great idea to do them as a gift for my boyfriend. Nervous as can be, I scheduled with Jenna. But when it came down to it, I did it for myself and I’m so glad I did!

Day of the shoot, Jenna was so kind and made me feel comfortable, even in lingerie in front of a stranger! That takes guts in itself to be able to do! Jenna’s work is proof in itself of how passionate she is about what she does. She’s there directing you through each step, making you feel beautiful and like a badass woman as she snaps pic after pic! I’ve done a few sessions with Jenna and can’t wait to more. I look back and am like, damn I look good! It’s awesome to see the beauty within yourself that others see in you. Boudoir is something every woman should do! An investment into owning your true beauty, inside and out!"


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